Photo by Kasper Palsnov


Levent Yildirim : Doholla

Tristan Driessen: Oud

Brice Soniano: Double Bas


These three extraordinary musical people share so many traits: A deep respect and curiosity towards music from other cultures than their own. A constant thirst for pushing the limits of their instruments. A deep joy for playing together and sharing their discoveries with each other, and the audience.

Their music has a strong connection to the rich traditions of Persian and Ottoman culture. The listener will recognize the odd-meter grooves and lyrical scales. But they are not afraid to bring in sounds from their own eclectic journeys. They have been in close contact with the music of the Baka-tribe in Cameroon, North Indian classical music, European wiener classic and the vibrant folk sounds of Vlaanderen.


Debut recording will be released in 2024