Harmen Fraanje : Piano

Toma Gouband: Drums + Stones

Brice Soniano: Double Bass


The paino-trio is such a tried and tested format. So many things has been expressed throughout the history of jazz with the triad-formation of piano, bass and drums, that it can almost feel like an old mariage that has run out of words.

Out Of The Wild is different…

Maybe it’s the telepathic connection between these three players, that has known each other for plus twenty years . Maybe it’s the high level of originality in each performers approach to their instrument. Maybe we are just biased… But in our ears “Out Of Wild” manage to bring something fresh and sincere to the table:

An organic sound that shys away from regular song-structures, and more resembles natural phenomena’s like taking a breath or the rhythm of a wave crashing onto shore.


Shades of Blue - Astropi

Tomahawk: Math+Spirit - Astropi

Par4Chemins - Astropi/Cristal

Featuring Magic Malik:

Nyamaropa - Astropi

1RDR - Astropi